Tuesday, January 6, 2015
A Wavy Welted Hat!
This hat was conceived because I wanted to do feather and fan in a hat but with a straight hem. I decided to work it sidewards and was so pleased with the results that I published the pattern!
It's here;
It's also here on Amazon;
Would that a picture would show with the links.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Hand Made vs. Mass Produced - You Choose.
The more Walmart drops it prices, the more BJs, Costco and Sam's Club sell their prepackaged looks, the more individualism is lost. We are a sad and sorry society wearing cookie cutter cloths, accessorized with pre-stamped 'fashion' robo-like uniforms purchased from mass marketers.
You may be satisfied with mass marked prefab looks but you should know, you have an option. There is another way. You can learn to make your own cloths in your choice of colors, designs and variations for your closet. Even if you just choose to make your own accessories, the look you create is yours and yours alone.
Learning to knit can be a path to a relaxing pass time as well as an avenue towards self expression and individualism in your wardrobe.
Here are a few easy patterns that I designed, interspersed with a few books that I published, you might like to try them out and learn to create you own personal look;
"ZZ's Welted Hat," is a popular pattern. It's easy, quick and fun to knit.
Patterns for these other pieces can also be found among my Ravelry and Craftsy knits;
Knancyknitter is my name on Craftsy and on Ravelry I am, The knancy knitter.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The winged thing, my 'Wingspan'
Well, it happened, I finally worked a pattern from start to finish. (look for the 'Wingspan' pattern on Ravelry.) This one was sooo cool, I just had to try it. It was remarkably easy! This is an, as yet an unblocked, look at the finished piece.

Done in Mini Mochi, lovely colors that yarn house has :-D
To see the novels I've written or to catch up on my, "White Witch," Y.A. series, check the link below the last picture. http://www.amazon.com/Ann-C.-Cooney/e/B0052T7QG0/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1 All the series is now complete, all fourteen books are now finished. You nay need to cut and paste the link.

Done in Mini Mochi, lovely colors that yarn house has :-D
To see the novels I've written or to catch up on my, "White Witch," Y.A. series, check the link below the last picture. http://www.amazon.com/Ann-C.-Cooney/e/B0052T7QG0/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1 All the series is now complete, all fourteen books are now finished. You nay need to cut and paste the link.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
A teddybear face on an 8 x 8 inch sq.

An eight inch square with a teddy bear face knit into then quilted into it. I used a small firm bit of rolled yarn for the nose. I then took a headband that has been sitting in my stash, I knit it quite a while ago and did not really like the finished product so I folded it up and used it to stuff teddy's snout. The mouth and eyes are whip-stitched and along with the nose are magic markered to blacken them. The outline of the bears head is done with French Knots in a rust colored yarn to emphasise the stitching differences. The entire face square is backed with another 8 inch square in stockinette to hide the open padding and stitching and to return the 8x8 dimension lost by the quilting. I think he is rather handsome, no?
8 inch square,
hand knitting,
knitted squares,
Monday, May 16, 2011
ankle bracelet socks

These are pretty simple except that I added beading to one ankle, like an ankle bracelet. I used invisable thread n put the beads on the thread before I started. Then I added the strand of invisable thread to the working yarn and went around the ankle once; sliding one bead up and in place per stitch. They are fresh water rice pearls and agate with one clear cristal on the outside of the ankle. The rest of the sock is a generic short sock.
I appologise for the focus in the close up of the beading. I could not get my camera to 'see' any closer.
A Rainbow Snood, some creative stitching and casting off

It's finished. The colors in this pict are not at all true. It's a soft rasberry pink, a pale terquoise, a forest green and a buttercup yellow. This shows the finished snood, the cast-on, the stitching and the cast-off. It is long enough to go around the neck twice loosely or you can pull up one loop from the neck and wear it as a hood. Either way it is snuggly warm.

This is the cast-on. I used the Channel Island Cast-on to create texture along the edge.

And this is the cast-off, I did something a bit different here. I used the stitched stretchy castoff but on the row before I cast off, I set up with a single strand stitch alternating with a tripple strand stitch. It created a slight 'beading' on the cast-off edge to balance the texture of the cast-on.
The body of the piece is done with a textured row to create even more profile/texture in each stripe.
All in all, it's a very warm snuggly rainbow piece.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
A post for sharing my pictures, subject to change.
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