An eight inch square with a teddy bear face knit into then quilted into it. I used a small firm bit of rolled yarn for the nose. I then took a headband that has been sitting in my stash, I knit it quite a while ago and did not really like the finished product so I folded it up and used it to stuff teddy's snout. The mouth and eyes are whip-stitched and along with the nose are magic markered to blacken them. The outline of the bears head is done with French Knots in a rust colored yarn to emphasise the stitching differences. The entire face square is backed with another 8 inch square in stockinette to hide the open padding and stitching and to return the 8x8 dimension lost by the quilting. I think he is rather handsome, no?
And.....it's great! And....you were able to keep it at 8"! Wow!